What is AcuPresence?

The healing art of AcuPresence is an embodiment practice for personal transformation and awakening. It is a method of creating a relationship with the life force or soul essence that runs through you. Going beyond the mind, AcuPresence employs the innate intelligence of the body’s energy system, inviting us to come back into resonance with our pure original nature.

This is a practice of invoking the higher frequencies of the acupuncture points on your body by locating and attuning to these Sacred Sites and allowing the body, DNA, and emotions to come into resonance with the pure sub
lime nature always available there.
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AcuPresence Attunement Packages

AcuPresence Attunements empower you to accept responsibility for your own healing and sovereignty. They invite you to take your self-care into your own hands.

Your attunement session enhances vitality and well-being by freeing up stagnant Qi, awakening the highest frequencies that rest within your body, and opening the flow of your natural, radiant energy. Each protocol guides you in locating a specific selection of acupuncture points and then takes you into a meditative experience of activating and attuning to their medicinal and vibrational virtues.

We offer two approaches to experiencing AcuPresence Attunements: our Hexagram Series and our Harmonizing Series.

Our Hexagram Series offers 64 Attunements for awakening the higher archetypal frequencies of each of the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, Gene Keys and Human Design Gates. Our Harmonizing Series delivers carefully crafted healing protocols for a large variety of issues. They facilitate personal growth and enhancement, as well as address chronic and acute medicinal needs.

Please experience and enjoy our Free Sample Attunements below.

Harmonizing Attunement Series

Hexagram Attunement Series

Click the tabs and thumbnails below to open the corresponding attunements (available à la carte).
Hexagrams 1-16
Hexagrams 17-32
Hexagrams 33-48
Hexagrams 49-64
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Hexagram 2
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AcuPresence Courses

AcuPresence Courses are profoundly steeped in the philosophies of Classical Five Element Acupuncture, the Art of AcuPresence, the I Ching and vibrational Medicine. They are designed for personal growth, healing and education. They are accredited by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and offer over 125 hours of both live and on-line continuing education credits (CEU's). 

In our courses you learn about and experience all facets of AcuPresence.  They support you in incorporating this new yet ancient healing art into your personal life for transformation and healing, as well as for practitioners and professionals to use in conjunction with their particular healing art.

Inspired and Created for Everyone

AcuPresence offerings and courses have been developed by Alaya DeNoyelles, a Classically trained Five Element Acupuncturist, the originator of AcuPresence®, and a Gene Key Ambassador and Guide.

Her expertise and passion are to work with the "Spirit of the Points," the unique vibrational signature of acupuncture points, and to support and empower people to take charge of their own healing, sovereignty and awakening.

The AcuPresence courses harvest Alaya’s knowledge and personal experience of over 25 years as a healing professional blended into the new, yet ancient vibrational healing art of AcuPresence.

Her intention in designing AcuPresence courses is to inspire others to experience their true essence and innate sovereignty and sustainability inherent within.

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