AcuPresence Attunement Packages

AcuPresence Attunements are like Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Acupuncture Sessions, empowering you to accept responsibility for your own healing, and sovereign embodiment. They offer carefully crafted healing protocols for a large variety of issues as well as a series for the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching.
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Included in each Harmonizing Attunement

  • Video & Audio versions of the Harmonizing Attunement
  • Video instructions for locating the 6 associated acupuncture points
  • 6 Sacred Site Synopsis Pages
  • Personal Attunement Instructions

Awaken, Attune & Embody

Awaken the Sacred Sites or acupuncture points included in this Harmonizing Attunement Protocol.
Attune with the energy frequencies of the Sacred Sites to enhance your body's molecular system, restore radiant health, transform your DNA, and harmonize your emotions.
Embody the highest frequencies of your true authentic radiant self, your soul.

AcuPresence Attunement Packages

AcuPresence Attunements empower you to accept responsibility for your own healing and sovereignty. They invite you to take your self-care into your own hands.

Your attunement session enhances vitality and well-being by freeing up stagnant Qi, awakening the highest frequencies that rest within your body, and opening the flow of your natural, radiant energy. Each protocol guides you in locating a specific selection of acupuncture points and then takes you into a meditative experience of activating and attuning to their medicinal and vibrational virtues.

We offer two approaches to experiencing AcuPresence Attunements: our Hexagram Series and our Harmonizing Series.

Our Hexagram Series offers 64 Attunements for awakening the higher archetypal frequencies of each of the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, Gene Keys and Human Design Gates. Our Harmonizing Series delivers carefully crafted healing protocols for a large variety of issues. They facilitate personal growth and enhancement, as well as address chronic and acute medicinal needs.

Please experience and enjoy our Free Sample Attunements below.

Harmonizing Attunement Series

Hexagram Attunement Series

Our Hexagram Series offers 64 Attunements for awakening the higher archetypal frequencies of each of the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, Gene Keys and Human Design Gates. Our Harmonizing Series delivers carefully crafted healing protocols for a large variety of issues. They facilitate personal growth and enhancement, as well as address chronic and acute medicinal needs. You can experience our Free Attunement for Hexagram 55 by clicking on the link above.

Click the tabs and thumbnails below to open the corresponding attunements (available à la carte).
Hexagrams 1-16
Hexagrams 17-32
Hexagrams 33-48
Hexagrams 49-64
Hexagram 1
Hexagram 2
Hexagram 3
Hexagram 4
Hexagram 5
Hexagram 6
Hexagram 7
Hexagram 8
Hexagram 9
Hexagram 10
Hexagram 11
Hexagram 12
Hexagram 13
Hexagram 14
Hexagram 15
Hexagram 16
Hexagram 17
Hexagram 18
Hexagram 19
Hexagram 20
Hexagram 21
Hexagram 22
Hexagram 23
Hexagram 24
Hexagram 25
Hexagram 26
Hexagram 27
Hexagram 28
Hexagram 29
Hexagram 30
Hexagram 31
Hexagram 32
Hexagram 33
Hexagram 34
Hexagram 35
Hexagram 36
Hexagram 37
Hexagram 38
Hexagram 39
Hexagram 40
Hexagram 41
Hexagram 42
Hexagram 43
Hexagram 44
Hexagram 45
Hexagram 46
Hexagram 47
Hexagram 48
Hexagram 49
Hexagram 50
Hexagram 51
Hexagram 52
Hexagram 53
Hexagram 54
Hexagram 55
Hexagram 56
Hexagram 57
Hexagram 58
Hexagram 59
Hexagram 60
Hexagram 61
Hexagram 62
Hexagram 63
Hexagram 64

Save with the 64-Hexagram Attunements Bundle

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